Pokemon Go: Technical Problems At Go Fest

Two legendary Pokemon were made public during the Pokemon Go Fest in Chicago. The event was overrun by a few technical problems.

Pokemon GO Add Articuno To Join Lugia

Niantic decided to join Arcticuno in the raid, and the bonuses would last until midnight between Monday and Tuesday.

Pokemon GO: Legendary Raid Boss In The Trailer

Niantic has released a new trailer for Pokemon GO, in which, among other things, the upcoming Legendary Raid Bosses are presented. The scenes make you want more, check out the video with the new summer features here!

Pokemon GO: All Information About The GO Fest

With the GO Fest, Pokemon GO is celebrating its one-year anniversary. However, there is currently confusion within the community about various details of the event, especially the legendary Pokemon and the so-called Mysterious Challenges. In our news, we light up and tell you everything you need to know.

Pokemon Go Improved Gym Battle Feature In Latest Update

The latest version 0.69.0 is available in Pokemon GO for Android now. You can also download the v1.39.0 on iOS devices. This time's updates are mainly about Gym Battle along with various bug fixes.

Pokemon GO Guide On Joining A Raid Battle In Gym

With the recently released major Gym Update for Pokemon GO, Niantic has released raids for the first time as a PvE feature for larger game groups. How these raids work and what rewards are waiting for you, can be found here in our guide.

Pokemon GO: Events All Over The World - The Right Anniversary Event

So far, Pokemon GO players were not quite as enthusiastic about the anniversary event. In addition to a special gift box and a Pikachu with Ash hat, Niantic did not deliver much. Now, however, the developers have kicked off the event with the "events around the world" event, and the fans are likely to be mild again. Players in Europe can look forward to Safari Zone events.

Pokemon GO Rumors About Legendary

We are all eagerly awaiting the moment when Niantic finally decides to share the legendary pokemon. That is why all the rumors are heating up the already hot atmosphere.

Catching Pikachu With Ash's Famous Hat In Pokemon GO Anniversary Event

Pokemon Go celebrates its first birthday! On the occasion of the anniversary, developer Niantic will offer the players a special Anniversary Box against in-game currency and a Pikachu with the Ash's famous hat.

Pokemon GO: Over A Billion US Dollar Sales In The First Year

For the makers of Pokemon GO, the first year was a real dream. Since the launch of the mobile gaming app in the summer of 2016, Niantic has generated over one billion US dollars of sales! This is proven: the game is more than just a temporary hype.

Pokemon GO: It Is Said A Shiny Pikachu Is Coming

Something special is going on in Pokemon GO! Apparently, Niantic plans to release a rare Pikachu in the game soon. This is the result of an invitation to the Siggraph-Conference at the end of July 2017. Fans speculate: Will it be a Shiny Pokemon?

Pokemon GO Raid Battles Now Available For Level 5 Trainers

Pokemon GO reduced the required level of Raid Battles enough that now everyone can take part in it.
Displaying 13-24 of 177 results.