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Pokemon Go Tips to Fix Pokemon Go Plus Connection Problems

Some players reflect that they got connection problems with Pokemon Go Plus when they're using Android phones. 


By design, the Go Plus will disconnect every time you manually attempt to catch or Pokemon or battle a gym. Other times the Go Plus will let you know it's about to drop a connection by blinking red/vibrating. But it doesn't work sometimes. Finally, the connection drops. So here are some tips to help you out.


Someone on Reddit believes this could be due to Bluetooth LE on these devices being more susceptible to interference, in which case he suggested the following if you simply can't get your device to connect:


  • Turn off WiFi
  • Disable WiFi Scanning and Bluetooth Scanning (this will prevent location services from using WiFi after we've turned it off): Settings > Location > Click the three dots in the upper right > Scanning > Deselect both Wi-Fi scanning and Bluetooth scanning.
  • Restart your phone
  • Open the Pokemon Go app, and go to Settings > Pokemon GO Plus
  • Important: Place the Go Plus about 6 feet from your phone.
  • Press the button on your Go Plus and it should appear in the menu. Tap on it.
  • On the map screen, if the Go Plus icon is greyed out, click it again. Your Go Plus should successfully connect.


If it still can't reconnect, then factory resetting the Go plus itself. 


Here are some other tips offered to you. First you can keep locking your phone to see the app. Second, through the light or vibration to see whether Go Plus is working. If it vibrates once (no light), the connection is good. If the Go Plus starts blinking blue, that means you are no longer connected to the app and will need to do the above steps to reestablish a connection.


You should have a try to see if the tips are working. If you need stardust for your pokemon go, or you just want to buy pokemon accounts, or you're interested in rare pokemon, you can click our website to see more!